China established its new gas grid company for supplies from Russia

China established its new gas grid company for supplies from Russia
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On Tuesday, in the north-eastern province of China, Heilongjiang, a company was launched for building and managing a gas distribution system that will transport gas from Russia.

As Reuters reports, Russia plans to start pumping gas through the “Power of Siberia” pipeline to Heilongjiang province in late 2019. The annual volume of deliveries will make 38 billion cubic meters of gas.

The new regional gas pipeline company plans to spend more than 13 billion yuan (1.90 billion US dollars) for laying 36 pipelines with a total length of more than 2,600 kilometers. At present, the company is developing a construction plan and intends to begin work by the end of 2018.

As a reference, the Power of Siberia pipeline that is being built in Eastern Siberia. The project provides for the transportation of a natural gas from the fields in Russia’s Yakutia to Far East countries. In June, the company reported that a linear part of the pipeline from the Chayandinskoye field to the border with China was completed by 84.4%. Namely, over 1820 km of pipes were laid on a section from the Chayandinskoye field to the Chinese border.

