The head of the Ministry of Construction, Mikhail Menn, and of the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation, Denis Manturov, as well as the head of the JSC RUSNANO Management Company, Anatoly Chubais, have become co-chairmen of the supervisory board of the "National Association of Producers of Construction Materials, Products and Design Association”, it has been declared at the first All-Russian meeting of producers of the industries of construction materials, products and design taking place in Moscow. In his speech, Mikhail Menn said: "We support the initiative, which arose in the professional community. At last, authorities have a partner for dialogue, and we have high hopes of aiding the association in the solutions to questions connected with the development of the industry. The initiative group offered Denis Manturov, Anatoly Chubais and myself the leadership the supervisory board of the association. In this, there is a logic: in the supervisory board, industry and innovation will be present". He reminded us that there was recently a division of power between the two ministries concerning the building materials industry: the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation will define state policy for this sphere and will be engaged in development strategy, and the Ministry of Construction will be responsible for technical regulation. Mikhail Menn said that in this sphere the government has made a revolutionary decision: "This is the state’s task in the field of technical regulation and pricing in the construction industry". In turn, Denis Manturov told us that "One of the key moves we have seen is an expansion of inter-sectoral cooperation aimed at the creation of innovative products. We have a lot of development, and samples and examples of the different uses of polymers and composites. It is as necessary as it is possible to introduce them more actively into production – otherwise we will constantly lose ground to imports on performance levels and competitiveness. It is one of the key vectors of our branch strategy". The chairman of the board of the JSC RUSNANO Management Company, Anatoly Chubais, emphasized that in the development strategy of RUSNANO, the construction branch is the number one priority. "But it isn't enough to create an innovative product - the main thing is to go out on the market and show people the advantages, the efficiency of new materials not yet in use, at home, in kindergartens, or in schools. It is certain that the association will become an important tool for the advancement of innovations on the market", he noted. Heads of regions of the Russian Federation, leaders of professional and public associations, and heads of industry also took part in the meeting.