The Human Rights Council under President of the Russian Federation recommends that State Duma (the Russian Parliament) rejects a bill on the Moscow housing renovation in the second reading, or postpones its adoption for at least six months.
“To avoid the obvious urban planning, infrastructure and traffic collapse, the Council recommends the State Duma taking the stated proposals into account when considering a bill on housing renovation in Moscow in the second reading, as well as No. 122881-7 bill, and either rejecting them, or postponing for at least 6 months, in order to prepare them in an unhurried manner and not to exacerbate social tensions ahead of presidential elections”, as it follows from an expert opinion of the Human Rights Council published on its website on Thursday.
The Council also recommends establishing the headquarters for the development and implementation of the Moscow housing reconstruction program for the purpose of conducting a detailed study of possible technological solutions with the participation of relevant authorities, specialists and residents.