Russia is going to present its project, the VDNKh Urban Phenomenon, at the International Architecture Biennale in Venice that will open in May.
This was announced on Monday at a press conference in Moscow devoted to Russia’s participation in this prestigious international forum. As our special correspondent, Elena Matseiko, reported from the ground, this project is about revitalizing one of the main Moscow sites of the Soviet era – VDNKh, which stands for Exhibition of Achievements of the National Economy.
The decision, made by the Russian supervisors, is especially in tune with the subject, which was declared at the biennale in Venice as, “Reporting from the front”.
The current supervisor of the exhibition, a Chilean architect and a winner of the main architecture prize, the Pritzker Prize, Alejandro Aravena, has focused his talents on social architecture.
Meanwhile, VDNKh is a major social project. It has again became a popular public area, where visitors can meet their cultural needs. At present, the pavilions, created by famous Soviet architects, are being restored. The biggest skating rink in Moscow functions on its territory.
The mounting of the Russian pavilion in Venice will start within the next few days. The supervisor and the chief architect of Moscow, Sergey Kuznetsov, is keeping the contents of the display a secret, but it’s already known that it will contain a large multimedia section, artefacts, and works by artists and sculptors devoted to VDNKh.