Apple erects new facility to give jobs to 1,000 people

Apple erects new facility to give jobs to 1,000 people
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Apple, a company based in Cork, has received a permit to erect a new building at the Hollyhill site, Irish Times reports.

The company has increased its workforce by 25% during this year and will create up to 1,000 jobs within eighteen months.

At present, Apple’s personnel amounts to over 5,000 people in Ireland. Meanwhile, the locals protest against the company’s expansion, claiming that it will convert the area into “industrial estate”. The local residents also fear increased pressure from traffic.

According to Apple, 200 people will be involved in the construction work at the site of a future four-storey office block in Cork. There will also be 752 car spaces at the building.

It’s expected that the new facility will be put into operation in 2017.

